"Canada" allegedly originated from the Indian language means "tribe" of "Jianata.". The history of Canada no dramatic revolution and killing, also did not appear big great writers, artists and contained in the world history textbook.
Originally the Canadian history began in Indian and the other Aboriginal history, after tenth Century, Western European footprint began to set foot on this land. First is the pirate to eastern Canada, then explored the era to modern from the Europeans, the continent of North America history during this phase of rapid expansion.
Although the Canadian history is not long, but it has its own unique and profound charm.
>���ô��Ԫ�Ļ�">> > Canadian Multiculturalism
Canada is a be worthy of the name of the country of immigrants, immigrants accounted for 99% of the population. Bring the rich and colorful culture of immigrants from all over Canada, forming a multicultural environment. In this environment, the unique ethnic art style and features of mutual influence, brought the Canadian culture thriving. And the native culture is the only truly belongs to Canada their native culture, Canada's first indigenous Inuit (Eskimos and Indians that). Canada's early immigrants to Canada migration is from the beginning of seventeenth Century, they give Canada brought their style of dress, diet hobbies and habits and customs.
In early twentieth Century, Canada open their doors to the world, and through the "multiple cultural act", so that the multicultural Canada was formally recognized. Canada each nation's unique cultural interaction, "all flowers bloom together." the coexistence, common development and common prosperity. Diversification of Canadian national, racial composition brings about the cultural diversity of different ethnic, racial, multi-cultural, culture harmonious coexistence in Canada and most significant other countries the distinguishing mark.
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