HawaiiHas a long history, as early as 1500 years ago, came from the islands of Polynesia navigator Mark, the earliest landed on the big island of Hawaii. Under the guidance of the stars, they canoed miraculously sailing 2000 miles, came to the Hawaii islands. This magical land of history, on that day was a prelude to.
500 years later, Tahiti Island settlers brought their faith in God to here, established a strict social class based on the Karp system. Hawaii culture for hundreds of years of prosperity unbeaten, created the hula Motion Dance Art and surfing, but different tribes occupied each of different regions, between warring.
In 1778, the Waimea Bay captain Cook landed in Kauai. The island is named as the "Sandwich Islands", and opened the gates of Hawaii to the western world. In 1819, the North Kehala King Kamehameha unified Hawaii Island, built for the Royal Kingdom, his son Leigh Liholiho succeeded to the throne after the abolition of the old social system of Karp. In 1820, the first Protestant missionary to Hawaii Island, to fill the gaps in the end of the Karp social system after. From then on, Hawaii became a seaman, merchant and whalers port.
Until 1893,The United States of AmericaThe colonists controlled most of the economy of Hawaii, in a peaceful, but still controversial coup way subversion of the kingdom of Hawaii. In 1898, Hawaii officially became the United States of America. In twentieth Century, sugar and pineapple plantation promoted the economic development of Hawaii, attracted a large number ofJapanChinese people,PhilippinesAnd the Portuguese to this work. Under the leadership of James Doll, Lanai Island became the world come first on the list of the pineapple export, to win the "pineapple island" reputation. It is mixed at that time, the immigrant group created Hawaii today so diverse population.
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