For two years to the old man, travel abroad the biggest problem than the language barrier, Aunt Wang said, when young, studies are Russian, to the cultural revolution period English basic back to the teacher, no contact for decades, English has become their first obstacle.
Out of the country to the unfamiliar, eyes in the dark one, basically is blind, deaf and dumb illiteracy, do get lost? However, the two English doesn't pass to elderly people, in a Tiger Leaping Gorge hiking in the process, the germination of the idea of traveling abroad.
Zhang Shu said, when they were in the Tiger Leaping Gorge on foot, at night the local Naxi Inn, that night just encountered a shop owner put the wedding banquet, the guests from different countries each table set for dinner chat, is very lively. In particular, in 60 backpacker's table, to a do not speak Chinese to foreign tourists. The table does not seem to have any communication obstacles, unable to communicate to others to help translate, or instead of using body language.
"Don't speak Chinese can also find pleasure in such a remote place, why can't we try to go out?" The journey back home, this problem has been lingering in the heart of Zhang Shu. A year later, the old couples on the 16 Schengen country self-help travel road.
Practice for a year, English or not, go out a lot of time to say English backseat driver, a bit shy, after the habit, also becomes more natural. The interview process, Aunt Wang said, "the language barriers, but not impassable obstacles. Only out of his fears, to go abroad to travel."
Just to let you have a wonderful life, accidentally stepped on a backpack on the road, Zhang Shu said, "Europe come back after thinking about a trip around the world, began to plan before the age of 70, did not think ahead."
Those things to travel around the world in
Interview 60 Backpackers, they just end to travel around the world, walking track this time, from South America toAustraliaFinally arrived in Africa, antarctica. I have been away for 180 days, but a lot of things the journey has still fresh in my memory.
The streets of Brazil man
Mention of South America, many people are more or less with a "bad law and order" impression. However, after a century after it was found that Zhang Shu contact, can also meet good people in the most unsafe place.
In the end Pantana M wetlands trip, 60 Backpackers plans to travel to Rio and St Paul, on the recommendation, they accidentally came the name of "Paraty" heritage town.
The Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, is strange to 60 backpacker two English strange, it is precisely because of this, also let them experience more than 30 hours to be struck with fright. Zhang Shu said, to set a good ticket, in the middle of a connection that is the same station, only to find is not the same.
The pictureSource:Sixty BackpackersSina blog
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