IndiaDry northern rural areas, an illegal marriage is secret, keep secret the things outside, only invited friends to know. Plus, wedding ceremony is usually held at night, therefore, until the afternoon, three girls bride began to prepare for the night of the sacred ceremony. A group of female hands Sari cloth pulls the curtain is temporary, the three girls in the three side by side, squatting on the ground, using iron ladle soap water from the head under the water. Among the two bride, 15 year-old LADA and 13 year old town are two sisters, their age has been able to understand what is happening. And the third little girls, their niece Lajiani, only 5 years old. She wore a pink T-shirt, a shoulder decorated with butterfly pattern. A man to help her undress bathing in order to.
The bridegroom are came all the way from their village. According to the traditional custom groom should ride an elephant or holding the horses into the wedding scene, but no one can afford to pay such a high price, so they go and come, get off be bursting with happiness, drunk. The only one ever seen the local people is the two oldest girl's father, was a tall, grey-haired farmers, wears a long beard. I called the farmers to Mr. M. Guests along the mountain road quick succession, to support the gorgeous silk bamboo pergola built under. Mr. M look at the crowd, be in high glee and alert. He knew that, if a reluctance to accept bribes the police found the ongoing activities, wedding may be forced to stop, the family was arrested, and the family so ashamed.
Rajani is Mr. M's granddaughter, the daughter is married children. She has a round brown eyes, broad nose, skin like chocolate cream. She lived with his grandparents. According to the India rural custom, Rajani's mother moved to her husband's village, and her husband, Rajani's father, was rumored to be a misdemeanor farmers, and alcoholism. The villagers said, grandfather of Mr. M's love Lajiani, which can be seen from his behavior: he put Lajiani betrothed to a decent house, her aunt LADA also married into this house, so that, when "the wedding" (India tradition marks the bride away from family, childhood formal living in her husband's ceremony) after her will not be lonely. India girls in childhood usually wait until after marriage, the bride entered puberty to host "the wedding", so Rajani will be with my grandparents live together for a few years. The villagers said, Mr. M by publicly announced his granddaughter married way to protect her invasion from before adulthood, is a good deed.
During the late spring of traditional IndiaThe holidayDuring the rainy season is approaching, therefore, is regarded as the wedding day. We sadly looking at 5 years old Lajiani: this T-shirt girl, wearing her pink sunglasses, walk around in bare feet, and midnight wedding a bride. Bring us to the village men is Mr. M's cousin, he had only to inform us of the upcoming is a pair of teenage sister's wedding. Only the source itself has a risk, because in accordance with the laws of India, 18 years old of the following young girl can't get married. However, the girl once enter adolescence, led to illegal wedding Tricks (such as the neighborhood help conceal, to keep the family name to the police. Etc.) are more likely to work. The youngest girl is usually been quietly adding wedding, name mentioned not in the invitation, they are your own wedding keep secret of second or third bride. Before the ceremony, Lajiani again sink into dreamland, uncle gently took her from the bed picked up on the shoulder, in the moonlight, her to the wedding guests, to face the Hindu priest, the smoke, sitting on plastic chairs, and her future husband -- with a golden hair 10 years old boy.
Outsiders to rescue the child bride impulse often be a trend which cannot be halted: grab the girl, stun next to the adults, then decamp. To make it stop. My desk at the top of the wall with a Lajiani married that night photos. It was dusk, from 6 hours to start the wedding, she turned to the camera, eyes wide, without the slightest worried eyes, with the smile on the. I remember that night, rescue little bride dream in my head -- not only save Lajiani surge (a person I can carry her on the shoulder away), and the 13 and 15 year old sister. Just because a group of adult men made their future, the sisters will be like merchandise from a transferred to another.
Some people do not understand the situation assumed that, against child marriage, life is not easy for women in traditional society to improve the stubborn, however the cause for people working full-time, first of all to overthrow this kind of wrong understanding. Today, early marriage phenomenon mandatory still exist in many parts of the world -- by parents for their children do, often violate the law, but by the local almost all people understand, they think this is the proper way to young women growing, because the society can not accept the girl misfortune (especially when this is not detected contains let the virginity fall into the hands of others risk the consequences).
The phenomenon of child marriage spans continents, language, religion and class. In India, girls are often married to his four or five years older than boys; while in the high rate of early marriage in Yemen, Afghanistan and other countries, the husband may be young men and middle-aged widower, even to rape victims, the wife kidnapping -- in some areas of Ethiopia is the custom. Some marriages as commercial transactions: 8 year-old bride clear debt, in 12 year old virgin cousin to resolve family disputes. These deeds once in public exposure, he jumped on the distant country newspaper headlines, a striking and sparked public anger story. In 2008, 10 year-old Yemen girl Nuozhu.AliOne person came to the city court, application and their thirties husband divorce, the marriage was father forced her to run. The matter on newspapers around the world headlines, recently gave birth to a book -- "my name is Nuozhu, 10 years old, divorced", the book has been translated into 30 languages.
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