The world is flat, now route with convenient visa, the countries or regions have been more and more, to leave the place, not only confined to the domestic, how to want to go can go into, consider these master.
"Doris sometimes idle bored, will temporarily leave to go to the airport, to catch up with which class to build which flight, such as flying TanThe Fragrant HillsWikiki, lying alone on the beach to see a handsome boy in the afternoon muscle, without speaking, for three days and then fly backShanghai, when nothing happened, he felt that this is the life."
HawaiiSay goodbye to the haze
I haveThe United States of AmericaOne year multiple-entry visas expired, even if is also very convenient. Market in Shanghai, work stress, high pressure of competition between colleagues, plus the weather continued cold, when the mood is low, put his hat, sunglasses, swimwear, skirts, book a ticket to Hawaii, with winter bad mood immediately say "bye bye".
Honolulu gold is the Chinese name for the island of Oahu, Waikiki (Wikiki) is the equivalent of HonoluluNanjingEast Road, diamond hill of Capie Oni La Park, West to the ala Wai yacht wharf, exactly a mile long, all day long beautiful handsome, cloud to cloud to the sun, one color, bright smile, even if I am coming across from the winter, it was immediately white-sand beaches and coconut shadow laughter melting.
Waikiki high-rises, countless shops, hotels, coffee shops; luxury crescent, quiet and open sea, boating, surfing, swimming, windsurfing...... The most beautiful time, is the sundowners along the beach, watching the sunset in the handsome boy flashed a muscle, and the waves.
Remember to buy a cup of local people in the world second big shopping center, ALA Moana love BlueHawaii berry yogurt ice handy, health, live music, heard of it just to Shanghai, called "blue island life". Well, well, here's life like a happy password.
Related reading:
Hawaii faces the sea to do a romantic dream
Honolulu and island walk fantastic Hawaii
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