ParisThe world famousTravelingCity, Eiffel Tower, Le Louvre Museum, Triumphal Arch, Notre Dame de Paris, Church of the sacred heart, Veterans Hospital, Place de la Concorde, on Seine River bridge...... This is the famousTourist attractions, beautiful, charming, people will get to Paris at the beginning of the marvel, excited. However, if you have the opportunity to walk in the high streets and back lanes in Paris, in the middle of the street garden, or street in the open-air coffee drinks, you will feel, perhaps the real Paris amorous feelings, or walking in the high streets and back lanes, to deeper experience.
Have such feelings, and then to Paris, I always make time, or sitting on a bench, close your eyes, smell the taste of Paris; or sit in the seat of the coffee in the streets, watching the coming and going of pedestrians; or take half a day, wandering in the streets of Paris. Romantic, so with the passage of time, over my heart over her impression profound.
Paris's most famous street than the Champs Elysees street, the East Place de la Concorde, West to De Gaulle Square Street about two kilometers in length, the East is 700 meters to the natural landscape as the main Boulevard, West 1000 meters is over the top brand in the world of commercial street.FranceCall it the "world's most beautiful street". Looking from the Place de la Concorde Champs Elysees Street East Street, West Triumphal Arch clearly visible.
Image & text.Beijing Ji old
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